The participants were able to work within three
different sections: collector space, maker space and reflector space. Each
space had a different focal subject: The collector space aimed at collecting
and systematising tools and services to get creative as well as examples and
descriptions of how to use them. People got to test and use popular and
upcoming tools and services within the maker space. The reflector space invited
to discuss and evaluate tools, services and productions especially regarding
their impact on creative possibilities in an educational context. Working
groups were formed according to individual interest and wish or possibility for
involvement (see list of all groups http://wiki.medialiteracylab.de/index.php?title=Arbeitsgruppen and the course community https://plus.google.com/communities/110663979727411675817).
The Makergallery www.makergallery.de was developed as an online gallery showing all
exhibitions and results of the course. All three spaces are present in three
different levels: the gallery of tools and services (collector space), the
gallery of examples (maker space) and the gallery of reflections with
presentations, brainstorming results as well as discussions with experts.
The video talks with experts from all over the world
within the section #mlabtalk are especially fascinating for an international
audience (see youtube playlist www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUymajA6PlKAYPSUsCJKY2DzZs-pWUs41), some of them were held in English.
#mlabtalk on MaKey MaKey (www.makeymakey.com)
Eric Rosenbaum (@ericrosenbizzle,
http://web.media.mit.edu/~ericr/) and Jay Silver (@wakeupsilver, http://web.media.mit.edu/~silver/) from Massachusetts talked to the MLab team about MaKey MaKey and other
of their inventions. The video offers a glimpse of their breathtaking
creativity that striving to change the world for a better:
What does a kid friendly hackerspace in LA look like? Tara Tiger Brown (@tara, http://taratigerbrown.com), co-founder of LA Makerspace speaks about eTextiles, DIY LED Laterns and how makers and tinkerers come together in a community space to create and collaborate:
#mlabtalk Digital Makers - Digital Literacy. A talk with Julian-Sefton Green (www.julianseftongreen.net) Dr. Julian Sefton-Green is an independent scholar, Principal Research Fellow at the Department of Media & Communication, LSE, and research associate at the University of Oslo. He is also Honorary Professor of Education at the University of Nottingham, UK and at the Hong Kong Institute of Education. Julian Sefton-Green talks about maker education and comments on media education in the 1980s to digital making in the 2020s. He maps the current digital makers’ landscape and explains why digital literacy is important and what digital literacies young people need:
#mlabtalk The Digital Producers of Tomorrow - A talk
with Øystein Gilje
Øystein Gilje, Postdoctoral
Fellow at the Department of Education at the University of Oslo, Norway, talks
about digital production practices among young people. What's the point of
producing, making, tinkering and editing online? He talks about digital
literacy, schools and learning and why a digital remixing youth is basic for
About Media Literacy Lab
The Media Literacy Lab is a pro-open project which
takes the learner and the learner’s group into consideration, while at the same
time it tends to put lower priority on instructional aspects for conveying
subject matters. The organizing team is attempting a didactic media approach in
dealing with digital options for peer-to-peer learning, interest-driven
learning, collaboration, problem-oriented learning, and the consideration of
the different approaches and paths to learning. For more information see http://medialiteracylab.de/english/ and http://makergallery.de/impressum.
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