Round Table “Safer Internet around the World"
On Safer Internet Day which was celebrated in 103
countries this year, the European Commission invited experts and stakeholders
from all over Europe including researchers, industry, NGOs, national ministries
and youth to a high-level round table discussion “Safer Internet around the
World” in Brussels including a POSCON network representative.
After a welcome and introduction by Chair Director General Robert Madelin we heard three keynotes about key issues and perspectives from research into kids online, cyber-psychology as well as from industry and youth.
After a welcome and introduction by Chair Director General Robert Madelin we heard three keynotes about key issues and perspectives from research into kids online, cyber-psychology as well as from industry and youth.
Sonia Livingstone, Director of EU Kids Online II,
emphasized in the kick-off statement that digital skills and satisfaction
regarding online experiences among children have not greatly improved, there is
still a strong need for children and parents to find great content and,
therefore, best practice guidelines for producers become very important.
Concerning mobile devices she pointed out a different usage by children, where parent’s
influences weaken and children use them more independently and on their own.
Mary Aiken, Director CyberPsychology Research Centre
RCSI, added a cyber-psychology perspective focusing on the impact of the
internet as a technology on human beings. Thomas Spiller, Vice-President Global
Public Policy at Disney introduced the strategy for a safe environment within
the children’s community Club Penguin and the company’s efforts to promote
safer internet issues for families.
Patricia Manson, DG Connect, European Commission, introduced the youth panelists from different European countries, one member presented their most important issues/themes towards a better internet: humanity and inclusion, education and life-long learning, health, happiness and chances for career/employment.
Patricia Manson, DG Connect, European Commission, introduced the youth panelists from different European countries, one member presented their most important issues/themes towards a better internet: humanity and inclusion, education and life-long learning, health, happiness and chances for career/employment.

The outcome of all group discussions will be analyzed and summarized by the European Commission and will give a better view on which crucial issues the experts see for the coming years, which efforts will have to be continued and strengthened, which new topics will arise and so on. The event was concluded by Chair Director General Robert Madelin.
Award Ceremony „Best Content for Kids“
The round table event was followed by the award ceremony for the winners of the European Award “Best Content for Kids”. This award highlights existing quality content for 4-12 year-old children and encourages the production of new content that will offer young people online opportunities to learn, play, discover and invent. The competition ran throughout much of 2013 in 26 countries, with national winners then being put forward to the European-level award. The winners have therefore been selected from over 1,100 entries, including many ideas from talented young people themselves.
European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes,
responsible for the Digital Agenda and for launching the strategy to make a
better internet for children, inaugurated the award ceremony with a speech. Neelie
Kroes specifically praised the great creative competition entries by children
and teenagers themselves: "I see children and young people doing amazing
things with digital tools. We need to encourage that, help them to be safe, and
give them ways to create a better internet themselves – and to stand up against
The awards were given to the adults and children from
Belgium, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Iceland, the Netherlands, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Russia and the United Kingdom.
The winners of the Best Content Award
1st Prize: Iceland, “”
games for entertaining, educational games for children
in pre-school & primary school; developed by a teacher Anna Margrét
Ólafsdóttir from Iceland
2nd Prize: Hungary, “Ludbriko”
2nd Prize: Hungary, “Ludbriko”
3rd Prize: Belgium, “Met Lucas op stap in het
Winners for Adult professionals category:
1st Prize: Czech Republic,“Web a Webik Radia Junior”
The Czech creators of the website Web a Webik – Junior
Radio offering youngsters recorded fairy tales, online games & other
interactive features
2nd Prize: Portugal, “Kookie – Centum Square”
3rd Prize: UK, “Anti-social network video”
1st Prize: Netherlands,“Lifesplash”
15 year old Dutch girl Jiami Xili Jongejan for her
blog Lifesplash on fashion, school, cooking, and sports
2nd Prize: Poland, “Ksiazki na czacie”
3rd Prize: Russia: “блогобычногошкольника/ Blog”
1st Prize: Poland,“Instrukcja obslugi jezyka
Video blog about the Polish language created by the
pupils of Saint John Cantius Primary School in Bestwina, Poland
2nd Prize: Romania, “Economic Star”
2nd Prize: Romania, “Economic Star”
3rd Prize: Belgium, “KIDSCAM”
Further information and links:
Winners of European Award: Best Content for Kids
European Commission Press Release “Let’s create a
better internet together”
Safer Internet Day activities of POSCON network
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